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The Gallery of Lost Art – Project | Tate
I have explored to the online exhibition “The Gallery of Lost Art” today. This exhibition is mainly displaying some forgotten literary works and some disappeared art works. Due to war, fire and people’s unawareness, most of these art works are lost in the history. Each Work has its detailed artistic explanation and unique in history, and each piece of work has its detailed information for visitor to reference. The original intention of this gallery is like its name. It wants to express the theme of lost culture.
There are a total of forty missing literary art works exhibited in this art gallery. They are only copies of original art works. These exhibitions are all displayed with photographic documents of the original. This is reminding the visitors that these works have been lost. When I look on these photographs, I see every piece of work has excess paint. They are damaged, dirty and excess paint. This may also be another point to remind the theme of this gallery, these artworks are unique and its end of lost.
When I read its information and visited its works, I think there are three reasons why this gallery wants to show the missing art works. The first is to evoke people’s memory of these works, so that they will not be buried and forgotten. The second reason is to show the uniqueness of its exhibition, using digital images to show a work that cannot be exhibited. The third reason, I think it has more depth. This exhibition wants to tell people that these lost works are not just the works themselves, but also represent the loss of a piece of history and culture.
After all, this gallery represents forty art works that were lost due to various factors. It exists is wants to make these works not forgotten by people and time.
There are some secondary sources I found about him:
(Watch Citizens Banned online – BFI Player)
In “Captin Zips Video Trip (1981), the first website is without sound. It shows some punk lovers gathering and playing in the streets of London. Every Punk has a different colour hairstyle and a unique makeup style. Their hair is very distinctive, some of their hair stylish is likely as being explosion, and some hairstyles are seemed very sharp. Their makeup does not belong to the daily style nor the stage style, it is a style that only exclusive to punk. It makes the punk’s face more prominent and their style more exaggerated. It is beyond people’s knowledge of previous makeup. I also think it is very strange and stylish. They all wear everyday clothes, and their outfits make them stand out in the crowd. The shooting angle is based on their daily habits. There are many turning points, and it turns very fast. The whole film seems to be composed of many scenes edited. It is also without text description, but a lot of actions and activities.
(Watch Squatparty online – BFI Player)
The second website of “Captin Zips Video Trip (1981),” is seemed as a documentary, it records the daily lifestyle of punks. They are having daily conversation between each other. In the performance, they all drink alcohol, having smoke, and swear between each other. This film uses the 20th century video method. The picture quality and language of the film seemed to be covered with a veil. During their dialogue, the voices of the dunks are overlapped and the content was unclear. They still use punk makeup in their daily lives, and their behaviour is not restricted. At last, their conversation is usually 2-3 people, the location is taken in their house.
In Delaney Rustion’s film “Screenagers” it shows the phones are disrupting children’s life. Some high-tech products do not bring benefits to the youth, it brings endless troubles. It allows some immature people to have criminal thoughts, and it also makes people addicted to the virtual network and loses their own real life. The filmmaker use variety of film techniques to shoot this film. Which includes interviews, comparisons and some databased. This also includes first- person perspective and narration.
Playing too much shooting games will cause a person to lose his sense of guilt. If the player seeks more excitement, he will commit crimes in reality. Phone games are also disrupting you from learning. You cannot put all your consciousness and focus on your study, when you are doing something else. When your subconscious mind tells you that learning is very boring, it will make you think about things you are more interested, such as online games. Students will lose interest in the classroom, and it will lead them to not take study seriously. Mobile phones will go against the original intention of creation, not to provide convenience for users, but bound the users and makes they cannot stay without their phones.
At last, for my own analysis of this film, the filmmaker wants his audience to know that smart phones are involving every corner of people’s lives and make people isolated from reality. Minors are immature in their minds, and external influences will make them change their future and world view. Most people today are spending much time on phone games except using it for works and studies. If People stay on mobile phones and games for a long period, they will waste their time, money, vision quality and ability to respond to the surrounding in reality.
Group Presentation introduction part.
In today’s class, we are going to speak about sustainability search projects.
Our team members are Chenwei Liao, Ruoxi Yan, Ayla Hajizada, Qianwei Ye and me BingQing Xu.
In today’s speech, we will analyze five key issues. They are poverty, recycling, social issue, Food production and global warming. These are the issues most people are discussing and caring about. These topics are also related to sustainability.
Our team did a lot of investigations on this search, including books, eBooks, magazine articles, web pages and some other information sources.
This photo is taken from MinJung.Kim’s post. My first reaction to this post is, this is an abstract art. But after I read this article, I find out this is the impact of the war to the soldiers and innocent masses. Their faces are frustration after the war, with scars and bullets left behind. This is a sequelae left after the war. When I link this picture to my own project, I will discover and compare the impact of global warming on the ocean and impact on marine life. I will also compare the current ecological environment with the earth in the future.
I have watched Shinwon Kim’s post, The Fight Against Plastic Pollution. My first reaction to this post is this topic catches my curiosity. It reminds me the plastic pollution around the world. This movie is mainly talk about the plastic pollution’s impact to the sea animals. It use contrast images to highlight the impact of plastics on the sea and make readers pay attention to it’s importance. It reminds me the place I live in is not as perfect as I see. We need to pay attention and solve these problems. When I compare this to my work, I find that they all have an impact on water issue. One is caused by natural climate change, and the other is caused by the impact of plastic used. Compared with my research and his, my data will be more comprehensive, which including all the effects of global warming on water resouces. But his research is comparing the ocean before occurrence and after occurrence. It gives more space and allowing people to choose for themselves.