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List of issues I cared about.
I have watched many disaster movies, and I hope these disasters will not happen in reality.
Including: Tsunamis, storms, hail, tornadoes, and some extreme natural disasters. Among them, I am trying to make a design piece about the impact of global warming on water.
Which would cause the iceberg to melt, and make the ocean rise it’s sea level. It will flood the city where people live.
When the water is evaporated, it will cause drought. The temperature will continue to rise and people will become dehydrated and even evaporate.
This picture is also related to my thoughts. When I imagined the clouds as sea water. I can think of an image, due to global warming, sea water is flooding the towns and cities.
I took this photo at the beach. This picture shows the vast beach and the plan for water rising in the future.
Primary research:
Survey Link: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/3D3FXDG
1 movie: USACE Sustainability – Climate Change – Bing video
Why I chose this source?
This video illustrates the measures people have taken for climate change and is also one of their solution.
How they link to the theme and my subjects?
These designs will continually to exist to withstand the increase of water sea level. These construction projects were also built-in advance to prevent the global warming caused sea to flood the city.
In this video, it mainly talks about the US Army Corps of engineers’ response to the rising sea level caused by climate change. Including extensive beaches, sea wall, and large water passing machines.
Image from the source.
Harvard Reference for the source.
Corpsconnection (2013) USACE Sustainability- Climate Change.
(Accessed: 24 December 2020).
English Group Research Project
HE English Study
BingQing Xu
1 website: Impacts of climate change (activesustainability.com)
Why I chose this source?
This web page contains many negative impacts of climate change. It shows a series of chain disaster will occur one by one during the time of global warming.
How they link to the theme and my subjects?
Greenhouse gases cause global warming. It rases the ground temperature in worldwide. The temperature will continue to rise due to people’s demand for oil, coal, and natural gas in the next hundred years. When a certain temperature is reached, it will also cause a series of disasters that can occur continuously. Each disaster is related to each other. Which will lead the earth to have a new platform.
This is also related to the game design that I will learn, because I need to pay attention to some changes in the weather when I making 3D games. Some weather reactions can be integrated into my own game.
This website page is mainly talk about the increase in global temperature has an impact on the world. This page contains many examples of the negative effects of global warming. For example, sea level rise caused by melting glaciers. The impact of climate change on the ecological environment leads to the death of animals and plants. Finally, there are drought and other extreme natural phenomena exists.
Image from the source.
Harvard Reference for the source.
Sustainability For All (2020) Impact of Climate Change.
Available at: https://www.activesustainability.com/climate-change/impacts-climate-change/
(Accessed: 23 December 2020).