HE English Study Group Project 03.

1 movie: USACE Sustainability – Climate Change – Bing video

Why I chose this source?

This video illustrates the measures people have taken for climate change and is also one of their solution.

How they link to the theme and my subjects?

These designs will continually to exist to withstand the increase of water sea level. These construction projects were also built-in advance to prevent the global warming caused sea to flood the city.


In this video, it mainly talks about the US Army Corps of engineers’ response to the rising sea level caused by climate change. Including extensive beaches, sea wall, and large water passing machines.

Image from the source.

Harvard Reference for the source.

Corpsconnection (2013) USACE Sustainability- Climate Change.

Available at: https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=climate+change+sustainability&&view=detail&mid=1D6D8E49931AC2AAB3D51D6D8E49931AC2AAB3D5&&FORM=VRDGAR&ru=%2Fvideos%2Fsearch%3Fq%3Dclimate%2Bchange%2Bsustainability%26FORM%3DVDVVXX

(Accessed: 24 December 2020).

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