Start by thinking about your Demonstration project theme or topic and create a mind map using the below questions:
Climate change impact on water
• Who would ‘demonstrate’ or ‘protest’ about your chosen issue or inequality?
A cool teenager is driving in her car, and she sees water flood a building on her back.
Climate change causes the ocean increase and floods the city.
The residents are trying to escape from the city, they want to get as further as they can.
• Is your character human, animal, an object, a plant etc.? What do they wear? Do they have hair? Glasses? A hat?
My character is a teenager, she is wearing causal sport wear. She does have hair and her hair is tied up.
• What are the personality traits of your character? Are the shy, or outgoing? Silly or serious?
She is terrifying. She is an anime character
• What is your characters’ job? Are they a bus driver or an astronaut?
a racer.
• What does your character like to eat? Carrots or hotpot?
My character is wearing headphone.
• What does your character carry in their backpack? A tiny piano? Or a secret garden?
She is in her car during the game.
• Does your character have a pet? Who are their family and friends? Where do they live?
No pet and family show up in the game. She is trapped and surrounded by water.