Cultural and Contextual Study 300 Words Blog Post 01

In Delaney Rustion’s film “Screenagers” it shows the phones are disrupting children’s life. Some high-tech products do not bring benefits to the youth, it brings endless troubles. It allows some immature people to have criminal thoughts, and it also makes people addicted to the virtual network and loses their own real life. The filmmaker use variety of film techniques to shoot this film. Which includes interviews, comparisons and some databased. This also includes first- person perspective and narration.

Playing too much shooting games will cause a person to lose his sense of guilt. If the player seeks more excitement, he will commit crimes in reality. Phone games are also disrupting you from learning. You cannot put all your consciousness and focus on your study, when you are doing something else. When your subconscious mind tells you that learning is very boring, it will make you think about things you are more interested, such as online games. Students will lose interest in the classroom, and it will lead them to not take study seriously. Mobile phones will go against the original intention of creation, not to provide convenience for users, but bound the users and makes they cannot stay without their phones.

At last, for my own analysis of this film, the filmmaker wants his audience to know that smart phones are involving every corner of people’s lives and make people isolated from reality. Minors are immature in their minds, and external influences will make them change their future and world view. Most people today are spending much time on phone games except using it for works and studies. If People stay on mobile phones and games for a long period, they will waste their time, money, vision quality and ability to respond to the surrounding in reality.

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