we are discussing in the group 4, we have discuss what we care about and how will we present our work for second project. I am interesting on global warming. In detail, global warming has caused a crisis of water issue.
I will choose to use game concept to performing my work. because I want to study game design for next year, and I want some connection between game and all my works.
Diana want to study animation for her next year, she want to work something about endangered species for her project.
Amir is interested in attitude towards mentally unstable people.
we all put our mics on in discuss or put our answer in chat.
In this discussion, I have learnt more about what other people really care about the world.
Everyone has their own topic and concept to focus on, its variety and very different.
I feel my thoughts become clearly because I need to organize my thoughts and tell them to my groupmates. My companion will also give me many suggestion and tell me what their own thought of this topic.